There are many ways to speed up WordPress site, but they’re not all as effective as they could be. For example, it makes sense to first look at the number of HTTP requests being generated by your website. Here’s some easy-to-follow steps that are achievable especially with the help of WordPress speed optimization expert.
Use a lightweight WordPress theme
- Use a lightweight WordPress theme.
- Lightweight themes have fewer features, so they load faster than those with more
- functionality.
- Lightweight themes use less code and are therefore easier to customize.
- They’re also more secure and mobile-friendly because they don’t contain as many vulnerabilities as heavier ones do.
Switch to PHP 7
You can switch to PHP 7 for your WordPress site and see a significant improvement in performance.
PHP 7 is faster than PHP 5 and it has better memory management, which makes it more secure as well.
Keep WordPress plugins to a minimum
You can speed up your WordPress site by keeping plugins to a minimum. This is because the more plugins you have, the slower your website will load.
Plugins also have the potential to conflict with each other and cause problems on your website. They can also be vulnerable to attacks by hackers who want to take over or deface your site.
Minify CSS and JS files
- Minify CSS and JS files:
- Minification reduces the size of your CSS, JavaScript and HTML files by removing unnecessary characters such as line breaks, comments etc. This can help speed up your site as it reduces the load time on every page request.
- Use a minification plugin: There are many plugins that you can use to minify your CSS and JavaScript files automatically while uploading themes to WordPress. One such plugin is WP Super Minify which comes integrated into this theme so you don’t have to install any other plugin for this purpose but if you need more options then check out some of our recommendations below:
Clean up your WordPress database
When you’re optimizing your WordPress site, it’s important to check for unused data in the database. This means that there are files that can be removed from the system. If you have a lot of comments on your blog, this can be a huge time saver!
To clean up WordPress:
- Use a plugin such as WP-Optimize to optimize database tables (this will help make sure they’re not clogged with old data).
- Clean up any unwanted comments from WordPress (you’ll want to do this if you’ve got hundreds or thousands of spammy posts).
Use a fast WordPress hosting provider
Choosing a fast hosting provider is the first step in speeding up your WordPress site. The best host will be one that’s close to your target audience, so that it doesn’t take them too long to access your content. It should also be optimized for WordPress, so that you don’t have to spend any time troubleshooting compatibility issues.
Reduce the number of HTTP requests on your page
There are three ways to reduce the number of HTTP requests on your page:
- Use a CDN.
- Use a caching plugin.
- Use compression techniques such as minification.
If you want to speed up WordPress, it makes sense to start by looking at the number of HTTP requests being generated by your website.
For any site, you want to keep the number of HTTP requests as low as possible. Your website can speed up if there are few HTTP requests only.
Why? Because each time a browser makes an HTTP request, it needs to wait for that request to send data back and forth with the server before it can continue rendering the page. That’s time wasted (and money when you consider how much time people spend on their phones these days).
These are just a few of the ways you can speed up your WordPress site. If you need help doing these things, you may contact wordpress and SEO experts, Digital Marketing Philippines.